Thursday, May 30, 2024

Author's note

 Hello everybody, I will take a 1.5 month long break aound from this blog as there are things that I have to do. 

See ya

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Author's note

 Hey guys. Just a reminder. I am open for requests at the moment. If you like my captions and  writing style and have any kind of wishes for a caption. Please leave a comment or put your idea into the request page.


Being egoistical


Monday, May 20, 2024

Authors Note

Hello everybody. Recenlty I got a lot of visitors here.
Wanted to ask you all what are some of your favourite tags and captions?

And check out my request page, if you have any caption wishes.


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Wish Bank

 Read the idea of wishbank on OpenTg. Realy liked the tag, will probably use it a few times in the future

Thursday, May 9, 2024

Body Auction 1

 Wanted to make this a one parter. Than it became longer than I anticipated, but I did not have the time for writing the second part. So I will release at the latest tomorrow.

Loosing his V-card